About Me

Hi, I’m Amanda Skou and I am a mom, wife, and author. I wrote a children’s book on Epilepsy called Superhero Joey (to turn into a series soon).

My two sons who have Epilepsy and me.

I would like to help you with anything and everything seizures and Epilepsy related. I will probably share some mom things too.

I am really good at sharing too much. I really am an open book. I also love to help people and so if you have questions with the new diagnosis, please feel free to contact me. ****I am not a doctor, or any kind of degree in the medical field****But, if you are looking to better understand terms and such, I can try to help you.
I am certified in seizure first aid though. 😉

Just for fun! Here are a few things about me, in no particular order:

  1. I was born, raised, and still live in Minnesota, USA (not sure why, because it’s so cold in the winters)
  2. I love the four seasons we have in Minnesota
  3. I love to travel, been to 48 states and 5 countries
  4. I really like walking through trails, parks, and water
  5. I am not much of a morning person, but very much a night owl
  6. When I NEED write for deadlines, I find other things to do (like laundry, clean, etc.) and yes, when I have to clean, I’d write, I’m a procrastinator
  7. I am my children’s (I have 3) biggest fan and supporter!
  8. My family is my world and I’ll do anything for them
  9. I wrote and published my first book at the age of 39.
  10. I was scared to publish this blog, but I am finding out, its fun to do!